Grotesque Gymnastics: Anatomy of Failure
Júlia Vavra: Artists Like Me
Gergő D. Farkas: Deep Fake
Narrative Collective/Máté Hegymegi - Dániel Kovács D.: Demerung
AHA Collective: Dense Piece
Lili Horvát - Danubia Orchestra: Dichterliebe - The 12 Giants
Péter István Nagy - Ádám Fekete: Don Juan, or the Labour of Fathers
Viktor Szeri: fatigue
Csaba Molnár - Tamara Vadas - Imre Vass: game changer
Mikolt Tózsa: God, Home, Kitchen
ArtMenők & HODWORKS: Idol
Imre Vass: in_form
Tímea Kovács – Kinga Ötvös: in resonance
Helga Lázár: It depends
László Göndör - Éva Katona: Living the Dream with Grandma
Richárd Melykó: Mass Orbit
Réka Oberfrank: Miracle
Domokos Kovács: reburn a cathedral
SUB.LAB.PRO / Jenna Jalonen - RING
Henrik Ibsen: Solness, directed by Ildikó Gáspár (Örkény István Theatre)
Máté Mészáros: Through Light
Jakab Tarnóczi - Botond Devich: (Based on Örkény István Theatre’s production, Winterreise.)
The organisers reserve the right to change the programme.
Read the statement of the curatorial team >>>